दीनदयाल उपाध्याय गोरखपुर विश्‍वविद्यालय

Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Gorakhpur University

(Accredited A++ by NAAC)
100 Year Logo


Sno. Publisher Subject Collection Title URL
1. Bibliotex Agriculture and Life Sciences (226), Geography (141), Physics (121), Business and Management (218), Computer Science (193), Earth and Environmental Science (187), Education (76), Engineering & Technology (125), Hospitality and Tourism (53), Journalism and Mass Communication (101), Language and Linguistics (55), Law and Criminology (64) 1832 http://www.bibliotex.com/home
2. Pearson India Commerce, Chemistry, Computer Sc., Psychology, Sociology and Language & Linguistics 297 https://ebookcentral.proquest.com/lib/ddugu/
3. Sage Publishing e-vidya Media& Communication, Psychology, Business & Management, IR, and Sociology 1194 https://evidya.sagepub.in/evidya/library
4. Teri Zoology and life Science 135 https://www.kopykitab.com/subdomain/ddug u/
5. Tritech Mathematics & Statics and Political Science 244 http://www.tdmebooks.com/institute/
6. World Technologies Psychology, History Archeology and Architecture 182 https://ebooks.wtbooks.org/
7. Bhasha Prakashan Music and dance (55), Economics, Management and commerce (202), Journalism (77), Yoga (164), Hindi Literature (185), Great Personality of India (Useful Books) (132), Vocational Education (100) 915 https://bhashaprakashan.com/
8. McGraw Hill Biotech, Economics, Electronic & Chemistry 178 https://www.expresslibrary.mheducation.com/