दीनदयाल उपाध्याय गोरखपुर विश्‍वविद्यालय

Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Gorakhpur University

(Accredited A++ by NAAC)
100 Year Logo

About Department

Department offers a B.Tech-CSE program with an intake of 60 students. In academic session 2021-22, 64 students had taken admission in this course and it indicates the academic excellence of the University. The Department is establishing a number of laboratories equipped with state of-the-art computing facilities to support the research and teaching activities, especially in the areas of Data Science, Cloud Computing, IoT, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and Cyber Security & Digital Forensic. Department will also offer PG and Research courses in the coming years. The department's distinguishing feature is its vibrant learning environment, in which all students and faculty members cultivate the spirit of invention, creativity, and fruitful contribution to the progress of technology. The department offers sufficient opportunities for the students to grasp and innovate. Students are motivated to take part in several activities like poster presentation, technical events, project design contest and cultural activities. Students are encouraged to go through training and various industrial visits are scheduled each year to get industry exposure.