To promote and enhance holistic well being and quality of life of women in general and rural women in particular, through health literacy, advocacy, skill development and entrepreneurship in various relevant fields.
- To develop long term strategies for promoting women specific researches.
- To conduct awareness programmes, workshops on health literacy, legal issues, financial literacy, women safety and security, gender sensitization and government schemes pertaining to women.
- To provide psychosocial counselling to women undergoing stress, trauma, marital conflicts etc. to make them resilient and provide them with support system.
- To impart skills like soft skills, IT skills, self defense strategies etc. and promote entrepreneurial activities to bring about social and economic empowerment of women.
- To co-ordinate, collaborate, facilitate and create a bridge between trainers, experts, SHGs, NGOs and other such organizations.
- To undertake, generate and promote primary and applied framework for women development.
- To promote and equip women as active participants in economic development.
- Organize and assist training programs and consultancy services on women’s issues to institutions and organizations.
To undertake activities and facilitate social transformation for the full and active participation of women at all levels of society.
The Centre shall impart teaching through the mode of Workshops, Seminars and Short Term Courses on Gender Sensitization, Legal Aid, Financial Literacy etc.
Develop Training Modules
Develop Training Modules after linkages with SHGs and NGOs on
• Health and Hygiene
• Nutrition
• Home Composting
• Vermi Composting
• Seeding and Plantation of Medicinal Plants
• IT Literacy and Social Media Etiquette
• Soft Skills and Personality Development
• Access to Micro Finance
Encourage research in the following areas:
a) Gender inequality, women’s literacy, health and nutrition.
b) Women’s participation in the social and economic development with reference to sustainable development goals.
c) Evaluation of development projects to study the contemporary challenges for the inclusion of women and their impact on their lives.
d) Develop indicators relevant to the state of Uttar Pradesh on women empowerment and leadership.
Extension Activities and Outreach Programmes
The Centre shall in collaboration with NSS, NCC and Rovers and Rangers conduct Awareness Programmes to sensitize students relating to issues like
• Women’s Safety
• Sexual Harassment Against Women
• Domestic Violence
• Human Trafficking
• Cyber Crime
It shall also conduct Short Term Training Programmes on
• Self Defense Strategies
• Redressal of Grievances relating to Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace
Entrepreneurship and Business Incubator
The Centre shall promote entrepreneurial activities to make women self-dependent and empower them economically to ensure their participation in the growth and development of the nation. The Centre shall take steps to encourage entrepreneurial activities in areas related to:
• Agriculture and Allied Activities
Cultivation of Medicinal Plants
Vermi Composting
Mushroom Cultivation
Bees Culture
Green Manuring
• Local Arts and Handicrafts, Processing and Packaging
Terracota Work
Banana Fibre
Bamboo Products
• Food Processing and Packaging
Local Cuisine
Jaggery Products
Documentation of Cuisine
Counselling Cell for Psychologically Distressed Women
The Centre shall provide counselling services by conducting counseling sessions in collaboration with the Department of Psychology/ trained Counsellors to women undergoing stress, trauma, marital conflicts, psychosocial problems, victims of human trafficking and work towards the rehabilitation of such women. Additionally, legal aid and advice shall be extended through the Centre in collaboration with the Department of Law, Legal Experts, NGOs etc.
Fellowships and Placement
The Centre shall ensure that fellowships are awarded to girl students as per the provisions of the University. It shall also ensure reservation of seats for women as per provisions of the University. The Centre shall initiate steps to organize campus recruitment, job interviews for women through the Placement Cell of the University.
Name | Department | Post |
Prof. Poonam Tandon | Vice-Chancellor | Chairman |
Prof. Nandita I.P. Singh | Dean, Faculty of Arts | Member |
Prof. Sunita Murmu | Department of English | Member |
Prof. Sushama Pandey | Department of Education | Member |
Smt. Anju Chaudhary | Social Work and Women Activities | Member |
Mrs. Neelam Tiwari | Tehsildar, Sadar, Gorakhpur | Member |
Prof. Divya Rani Singh | Department of Home Science | Member Secretary |