दीनदयाल उपाध्याय गोरखपुर विश्‍वविद्यालय

Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Gorakhpur University

(Accredited A++ by NAAC)
100 Year Logo

Placement and Career Counselling Cell

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Career Guidance and Counselling

To help shape and build students' careers and assist them in making informed educational and career choices based upon their interests, personalities and aptitudes. Career Guidance and Counselling Programmes are organized with the objective of introducing its students to several job opportunities available to them in their respective areas of studies and familiarize them with emerging job opportunities by career counsellors, established professionals and successful entrepreneurs. These programmes help the students identify their talents and strengths as well as their weaknesses that can be overcome by the right training and skills to achieve their desired career goals.

Institution-Industry Interface

The Placement and Counselling Cell acts as an interface between the industry and the students to facilitate the placement of students in multinational companies, Government organizations, NGOs and other private sector jobs/ services. The Placement and Counselling Cell looks forward to bridging the gap between the institution and the industries by facilitating our students in joining internship programmes that would provide them with on the jobtraining and hands- on experience in the field they wish to pursue their careers in. Efforts shall be made by the Cell to enable a smooth selection process of all the companies for the benefit of the students. The Cell shall liaison with corporate organizations to provide suitable jobs to the students registered with the Cell and after having ensured that the students have acquired the requisite qualifications from the University.


The Placement and Counselling Cell also takes it as a responsibility to encourage students to develop their entrepreneurial skills by collaborating with the Incubation Centre of the University. To develop in the students entrepreneurial skills that may encourage self employment, setting up a business or engaging and working with the local businesses and industries shall be a part of the activities of the Placement Cell.

Alumni Engagement

The Placement and Counselling Cell of the University hopes to work towards building a more robust engagement with the Alumni of the University as career resources for our students. The Cell sees the Alumni as mentors guiding students on career related issues, as employment providers and also helping our students in networking skills. The Placement and Counselling Cell works towards enabling a smooth transition for the students from higher education to the world of work. The Cell hopes to empower the students by developing their competencies, equipping them with the right skills and training, enhancing their personal and professional development, preparing them for a fulfilling career and above all contributing towards their overall well being so that they become an asset to the society and benefit the community at large


Name Department Contact
Prof. Aloka Kumar Goyal (Coordinator) Department of Economics 9935038607
Dr. Surendra Kumar Gupta (Co-Coordinator) Department of Economics 9452692017
Dr. Raju Kumar Gupta Department of Economics 9870715823
Dr. Anil Kumar Yadav Department of Business Administration 9935367733
Dr. Suman Kannaujiya Department of Commerce 8090449010
Dr. Maneesh Kumar Department of Commerce 9598958997
Dr. Madan Singh Chauhan Department of Physics 8954238053
Dr. Sachin Kumar Singh Department of Chemistry 9792511544
Dr. Kamini Singh Department of Chemistry 8601152081
Dr. Rajesh Kumar Department of Mathematics 9621593372
Dr. Smriti Mall Department of Botany 9565746319
Dr. Swarnima Singh Department of Geography 9910146475
Dr. Sanjeev Kumar Vishwakarma Department of English 9455243846
Dr. Lakshmi Jaiswal Department of Education 9013699127
Dr. T.N.Mishra Department of Law 9450445062
Dr. Narendra Yadav Electronics & Communication Engineering 9839539800
Dr. Suryabhan Singh Information Technology 9457670737
Dr. Rajiv Ranjan Kumar Tripathi Department of Computer Science & Engineering 9506889898
Dr. Rahul Kumar Mechanical Engineering 7543934007
Dr. Noopur Singh Department of Agriculture 9651770378

Activities: 2021-2022

Sl. No. Date of the Activity Programme Speaker


June 30, 2021 at 3:30 pm

Online Career Guidance/ Counselling Programme

for the students of the Faculty of Law

Mr. Satyajit Gupta

VicePresidenr and Head

of India Legal at Exl Services


July 3, 2021 at 2:00PM

Online Career Guidance/ Counselling Programme for the students of the Faculty of Science

Dr. Ram Manohar Pandey, Pathfinder Reasearch and Training



July7,2021 at 4:00 PM

Online Career Guidance/ Counselling Programme for the students of the Faculty of Commerce,

MBA andamp; Economics

Mr. Om Ahuja Business Advisor andamp; Ex Group CEO of MFAR Group


August 07, 2021 at 12 Noon

Online Talk on Financial Literacy on

Ms. Daksha Gogia, Professor,MMK College, Bandra


August14,2021 at 3:00 PM

Online Career Guidance/ Counselling Programme for the students of the Faculty of Arts (Arts andamp; Social Sciences)

Dr. Amrita Bajaj

Deputy Dean, Student Welfare andamp;

Former Deputy Dean, Placement and Women’s Issue

University of Delhi, Delhi


September 04, 2021 at

4:00 PM

Online Career Guidance/Counselling Programme

for the students (B.Ed., M.Ed., MA, PhD) of the

Faculty of Education

Dr. Bharat Chandra Rout Sr. Consultant (IoE), University Grant Commission


October10, 2021 at 3:30pm

Online Career Guidance/Counselling Programme for students of Faculty of

Science on

Dr. Sachin K. Srivastava, Department of Mathematics, Central University of Himachal



November 15, 2021 at 5:15 pm

Online Career Counselling Talk on “How to Prepare for IELTS (International English Language Testing


Dr. Pratima Rai, Assistant Professor, School of Law , Sabarmati University, Ahmedabad, Gujarat


November 25, 2021 at

11:15 a.m.

Career Orientation Programme for M.A Students, Department of English, DDU Gorakhpur


Vishesh Singh and Vipul Medha


December 16, 2021 at

10:00 AM

Campus Placement Drivefor Final Year BCA andamp; B. Sc. Computer


Jaro Education Pvt. Ltd.


December 14, 2021 from

4:00 PM onwards

Assessment Test for Graduation Final Year


Global University System, India


December 17, 18 andamp; 20,


Chehal Pahal , Career ki Udaan



January 7-8, 2022, 4:00 PM

to 5:30 PM

Omline Winter Internship for UG Students

Global University System, India (Partnered with UPES, Dehradun andamp; Pearl



January 21-22, 2022 , 4:00 PM-5:30 PM

Online 2 Day E- certified

Employment Workshop for Graduation Students

Global University System, India(Partnered with UPES, Dehradun andamp; Pearl Academy


February 5, 2022 , 4:00 PM onwards

Smart Study Skills, Managing Mental Blackout during Exams (online)

Dr. Aditi Singhal, Guinness World Record Holder, International

Memory Trainer

Educator, Author, Motivational Speaker.


February 18, 2022 at 4:00PM

Career Opportunities in

Defence Technology (UPES) (Online)

Dr. G. Sateesh Reddy

Secretary, Dept. of Defence, Randamp;D, (DRDO)


March 11, 2022 at 7:00PM

Space Tourism: Journey towards MARS (UPES) (Online)

Mr. James Burk, Executive Director, The MARS Society


March 13-15, 2022

TCS Careers, Off Campus Drive

TCS Smart Hiring


April 1, 2022, 4:00 PM to

5:00 PM

Engineering Education: Post Pandemic (UPES)

Prof. Anil D. Sahasrabudhe, Chairman ,

AICTE, Govt. of India


May 07, 2022, 7:00 PM to

8:00 PM

Space and Its Exploration (UPES)

Ms. Anima Patil Sabale, Project Engineering lead, Lunar Gateway Mission

Control Centre Systems (KBR), NASA, USA


May 27, 2022 at 1:00 PM

Leadership Competencies for Young Learners

Dr. Kiran Bedi, First Lady IPs of India, Former Lt. Governor, Puducherry


July 1, 2022 at 11:00 AM


Khadi and Village Industries Commission


July 21, 2022

Online Mock Interview
