The Department of Defense and Strategic Studies at this University came in to being in the academic session 1957-58 for the teaching of Military Science courses at the undergraduate level. With the passage of time, enormous changes were made in the courses to keep pace with phenomenal developments in the country and abroad.
The post-graduate teaching in Defense Studies was started by the Department in1974. The Ph.D. programme was started in 1976 with a constant bearing on the interdisciplinary nature and contents of the subject of Defense and Strategic Studies.
The Department has the unique distinction of maintaining a higher standard of interdisciplinary teaching and research and its faculty members are genuinely qualified to adapt to various changes in the domain, range and scope of Defense and Strategic Studies. The Department has also earned an international reputation through the expertise of its faculty members. In addition, the Department has organized national and international seminars in the past and its faculty members have participated invidious national and international seminars, congresses and symposia, both within the country and overseas.
The Department is blessed to have many stalwarts and some very bright names of the discipline as the faculty members. This galaxy of scholars includes the names of Major R.C. Kulshreshtha, Major K.S. Nagar, Prof. Rajendra Prasad, Prof. R.N. Singh, Prof. Hari Saran, Prof. Rahul Mishra and Prof. A.P. Shukla and Dr Pradeep Kumar.
Present faculty members of the department are Prof. S.C. Pandey, Prof. Harsh Kumar Sinha (HoD), Prof. P.K. Yadav, Prof. V.K. Singh, Prof. S.N.M. Tripathi, Dr.Praveen Kumar Singh, Dr. Jitendra Kumar, Dr. Arti Yadav and Dr. Vijay Kumar.
DoDSSis running a P.G.Diploma programme in Disaster and National Security Management. The main objective of the course is to train students in the fundamental and applied aspects of Natural Hazards and Disaster Studies. It also aims at making the students to specialize in advanced areas to understand the concept, theory, model and scientific explanation of consequences and mitigation process of any unfortunate incidents like disaster and calamities. The mission of the programme is to spread the in-depth awareness among the community and sensitizing them for disaster management which reduces the Loss Prevention and Disaster Free India.
The faculty members are doing pioneering works by producing reading materials and reference books on Defense and Strategic Studies and have participated in the outreach programmes on national and international security. Faculty members have contributed aplethora of literature for the discipline and are engaged in bringing out 3journals and a research website department has organized 9 Refresher courses, 9 seminars and 3 short-term courses to date.
The department has always maintained close linkage with other research institutions and national and international centers/institutions of Strategic Studies. By now it occupies the frontline position amongst the main centers of Defense and Strategic Studies in the country. The Department of Defense and Strategic Studies signed three Memorandum of Understandings(MoU) with Vivekanand International Foundation (VIF), New Delhi on October 16,2012, Centre for Land Warfare Studies (CLAWS), New Delhi on February 02, 2016and with State Disaster Management Authority (SDMA), Uttar Pradesh, Lucknow on June 14, 2021.
As part of its mission, the department is committed to encouraging new ways of thinking and expanding the traditional andnon-traditional contours of security analysis. It is engaged in exploring the most pressing issues of India's internal and external security dimensions and contributes via creative and innovative thinking to national security policymaking.
A major research project on 'AStudy of the Role and Impact of Media in India in the Strategic Culture Construction' funded by UGC (Prof. Harsh Kumar Sinha.)
l A major research project on'Strategic and Economic Importance of And man and Nicobar Island' funded by UGC(Prof. Hari Saran).
l A major research project on'Dakshin asia me nabhikiya nirastrikaran ki sambhavnayen : visleshanatamakadhyayan' funded by UGC (Prof. V. K.Singh).
l A minor research project onPakistani Nabhikiya Shastra va Bhartiya Suraksha also funded by the UGC (Dr.Pradeep Kumar Yadav.)
l A minor research project on 'India's questfor security' funded by ICSSR (Dr. Rajendra Prasad). l A minor research projecton 'Track-II Diplomacy in South Asia' funded by UGC (Dr. Harsh Kumar Sinha).
Collaborations / MoU TheDepartment of Defence and Strategic Studies has signed the following Memorandumof Understandings (MoU) with:
1. Vivekanand InternationalFoundation (VIF), New Delhi on October 16, 2012
2. Centre for Land WarfareStudies (CLAWS), New Delhi on February 02, 2016.
3. State Disaster ManagementAuthority (SDMA), Uttar Pradesh, Lucknow on June 14, 2021.