S.No. | Department | Faculty | Title | Sponsoring Agency | Year of Sanction | Budget (Lakh) |
Status |
Department of Zoology | Dr. Keshav Singh | Production of organic liquid biofertilizers (Vermiwash) from municipal solid wastes and their effect in combination with biopesticides on the productivity of important crops of eastern Uttar Pradesh | U.G.C. New Delhi Project F. No. 42-527/2013 (SR) | 3 Years | 10.00 | Completed | |
Department of Zoology | Dr. Keshav Singh | Studies on vermicomposts of different animal, agro and kitchen waste and their effect on growth of certain plants | U.G.C. New Delhi Project F. No. 33-351/2007 (SR) | 3 Years | 69.00 | Completed | |
Department of Botany | Dr. Ramwant Gupta | Improving photosynthetic electron transport and CO2 flow in the leaves of finger millet to enhance yield | UPCAR | 2024 | 73.14 | Ongoing | |
Department of Botany | Dr. Ramwant Gupta | Dynamics of photosynthetic apparatus during the pre-zygotic stage of wheat in response to elevated temperature | UPCAR | 2024 | 24.86 | Ongoing | |
Department of Botany | Dr. Deepa Srivastava | Study of Transmission of Brinjal Little Leaf Disease (BLL) caused by Candidatus Phytoplasma trifolli in Eastern U.P | Uttar Pradesh Rajya Ucch Shiksha Parishad, U.P., India | 2024 | 5.00 | Ongoing | |
Department of Botany | Dr. Smriti Mall | Study of Transmission Of Brinjal Little Leaf Disease (BLL) Caused byCandidatus Phytoplasma trifolii in Eastern Uttar Pradesh | Research and Development Scheme , Uttar Pradesh Higher education Department lucknow | 2024 | 5.00 | Ongoing | |
Department of Chemistry | Dr. Alok Kumar Singh | Surface-Confined Redox-Active Iron(II) and Ruthenium(II) Polypyridyl Complexes for Monitoring of Anions in Drinking Water | Council of Science & Technology, Uttar Pradesh | 2024 | 15.36 | Ongoing | |
Department of Zoology | Dr. Ajay Singh | Effects of industrial effluents on fish diversity, status and their ex-situ conservation management in river Aami of Gorakhpur region | Uttar Pradesh Higher Education Department | 2024 | 11.00 | Ongoing | |
Department of Physics | Dr. Prabhunath Prasad | An ARFI network observatory at DDU Gorakhpur University | ISRO-GBP project, Space Physics Laboratory, Thiruvananthpuram | 2024 | 20 | Ongoing | |
Department of Law | Dr. Triyugi Narayan Mishra | N.A. | N.A. | 2023 | 0.00 | ||
Department of Law | Dr. Vandana Singh | N.A. | N.A. | 2023 | 0.00 | Ongoing | |
Department of Law | Mr. Alok Kumar | N.A. | N.A. | 2023 | 0.00 | ||
Department of Biotechnology | Dr. Dinesh Yadav | Investigations of novel tubulin binding agents with potential anticancer properties using various computational techniques | UPCST | 2023 | 11.86 | Ongoing | |
Department of Biotechnology | Dr. Dinesh Yadav | Improving photosynthetic electron transport and CO2 flow in the leaves of finger millet to enhance yield | UPCAR | 2023 | 73.14 | Ongoing | |
Department of Biotechnology | Dr. Dinesh Yadav | Dynamics of photosynthetic apparatus during the pre-zygotic stage of wheat in response to elevated temperature | UPCAR | 2023 | 24.86 | Ongoing | |
Department of Botany | Dr. Kumari Sunita | Demonstration of Zero Budget NaturaL Farming (ZBNF) Under Kalanamak Rice System of Kushinagar | NABARD | 2023 | 30.00 | Ongoing | |
Department of Chemistry | Dr Ekta Sonker | Synthesis, Theoretical Perspectives and Application of Perylene-based Conducting Polymers: Efficient Organic Sensitizers for Dye Sensitized Solar Cells | Science & Engineering Research Board (SERB), India | 2023 | 33.93 | Ongoing | |
Department of Physics | Dr. Umesh Yadava | Investigations of novel tubulin binding agents with potential anticancer properties using various computational techniques | CSTUP, Lucknow | 2023 | 11.86 | Ongoing | |
Department of Physics | Dr. Ambrish Kumar Srivastava | In Silico Investigations on the Hydrogen Storage by Superalkalis and Its Implications | Science & Engineering Research Board (SERB), India | 2023 | 21.70 | Ongoing | |
Department of Physics | Dr. Vineet Kumar Singh | Modelling of highly efficient Perovskite-on-Si monolithically integrated (2-T) and mechanically stacked (4-T) tandem solar cells using SCAPS-1D | Council of Science and Technology, U.P. | 2023 | 13.36 | Ongoing | |
Department of Physics | Dr. Udai Bhan Singh | Utilization of Ion Beam Irradiation Technique to Fabricate Coupled Plasmonic Nanostructures of Core-satellites and Thin Film | SERB, India | 2023 | 25.00 | Ongoing | |
Department of Physics | Dr. Nikhil Kumar | Ferromagnetic nano-particles and their applications in Magnetic Hyperthermia for Cancer therapy | UPCST | 2023 | 12.00 | Ongoing | |
Department of Zoology | Dr. Ram Pratap Yadav | Effects of industrial effluents on fish diversity, status and their ex-situ conservation management in river Aami of Gorakhpur region | Uttar Pradesh Higher education Council Lucknow (U.P) | 2023 | 11 | Ongoing | |
Department of Education | Prof. Sushma Pandey | Integration of vocation education in school education through subject methodology y | Mahatma Gandhi National Council of Rural Education (MGNCRE ) Department of Education, Ministry of Education, Governmen t of India | 2023 | 1.00 | Completed | |
Department of Hindi, Modern Indian Languages & Journalism | Dr. Pratyoosh Dubey | Swadheenata Aandolan aur poorvi Uttar Pradesh ki Hindi Patrakarita | U.P. Government | 2022 | 5.00 | Ongoing | |
Department of Botany | Dr. Kumari Sunita | Study the ageing effect of Golden Sweet Potato( Ipomoea batatas) Tubers on Carotenoid Content: An innovative approach towards Vitamin A Bio fortification”. | CST,UP (Deppt of Science &Technology,Govt.of U.P) | 2022 | 11.00 | Ongoing | |
Department of Chemistry | Dr. Anand Ratnam | Synthesis and characterisation of novel gold (1) and gold (III) organometallic complexes: Applications as potential anticancer agents and efficient catalysts | SERB-DST New Delhi | 2022 | 35.97 | Ongoing | |
Department of Chemistry | Dr. Anand Ratnam | Synthesis and spectral studies of pyridine-2,6-dicarboxamide based ligand and their transition metal complexes (Mn, Fe, Co, Ni and Cu): Application as catalytic properties and chemo sensor | UP-CST Lucknow | 2022 | 10.44 | Ongoing | |
Department of Chemistry | Dr. Sachin Kumar Singh | Fabrication of Ultrasensitive Chip-based Raman Sensors employing Liquid Crystals for Detection of Environmentally Hazardous Chemical Contaminants | Department of Atomic Energy- UGC-DAE Consortium for Scientific Research, New Delhi | 2022 | 45.00 | Ongoing | |
Department of Chemistry | Dr. Sachin Kumar Singh | Ion Beam Irradiation Induced Modifications in Functional Properties of Chiral Liquid Crystals and their Applications in Fabrication of Ultrasensitive Chip-based Optical Sensors | Inter University Accelerator Centre, New Delhi | 2022 | 5.73 | Ongoing | |
Department of Electronics | Dr. Kusum Rawat | Development of lead free flexible perovskite solar cell for wearable device applications | Science & Engineering Research Board (SERB), India | 2022 | 29.97 | Ongoing | |
Department of Physics | Dr. Prashant Shahi | Tuning Thermoelectric Properties of Topological Crystalline Insulator via Pressure Engineering | UGC-DAE, Indore, India | 2022 | 1.35 | Ongoing | |
Department of Physics | Dr. Prashant Shahi | To unveil the regulation effects of pressure on the thermoelectric performance of the (Sn,Pb)(Se,Te) based topological materials. | Science & Engineering Research Board (SERB) | 2022 | 17.00 | Completed | |
Department of Physics | Dr. Prabhunath Prasad | Study of tropospheric Ozone and its radiative forcing effect | Council of Science and Technology, Uttar Pradesh (CST-UP) | 2022 | 9.44 | Ongoing | |
Department of Education | Dr. Sarita Pandey | Integration Of Vocational Education In School Education By Subject Methodology | Mahatma Gandhi National council Of Rural Education | 2022 | 0.50 | Completed | |
Department of English & Modern European Languages | Dr. Amod Kumar Rai | Folk Literature And Art and its role in Social Integration in Eastern U P | UP State Govt | 2022 | 1.80 | Ongoing | |
Department of Ancient History, Archaeology & Culture | Dr. Vinod kumar | Bhartiya Darshan Me Yoga Evam Yog Vigyan | Indian Council of Philosophical Research, India | 2022 | 4.00 | Ongoing | |
Department of Ancient History, Archaeology & Culture | Dr. Rajawant Rao | Saryupar ka Puratatavik evam Sanskritik Sarvekshna | Uttar Pradesh Government | 2021 | 3.00 | Ongoing | |
Department of Ancient History, Archaeology & Culture | Dr. Shitala Prasad Singh | Culture Religion and Tourism | Uttar Pradesh Government | 2021 | 4.50 | Ongoing | |
Department of Ancient History, Archaeology & Culture | Dr. Manindra Yadav | Saryupar ka Puratatavik evam Sanskritik Sarvekshna | Uttar Pradesh Government | 2021 | 3.00 | Ongoing | |
Department of Hindi, Modern Indian Languages & Journalism | Dr. Narendra Kumar | Gorakhnath ki sahitya Sadhan Prampra aur Pradey | Higher education uttar pradesh | 2021 | 3.00 | Ongoing | |
Department of Psychology | Dr. Anubhuti Dubey | Institutional Psychosocial support and care received by women in trauma: an Intervention Evaluation Analysis | UP Higher Education Department | 2021 | 17.00 | Ongoing | |
Department of Biotechnology | Dr. Sarad Kumar Mishra | Status of Arsenic in Poorvanchal region and its bioremediation | Higher Education Department, UP | 2021 | 3.50 | Ongoing | |
Department of Chemistry | Dr. Som Shankar Dubey | Development of novel Carboxamide based ligands to detect hazardous elements (Hg2+, Pb2+ and As3+/5+) | Department of Higher Education, Government of Uttar Pradesh | 2021 | 2.31 | Ongoing | |
Department of Mathematics & Statistics | Dr. Sudhir Kumar Srivastava | Some New Facets of Gravitational Collapsing Star and Their Mathematical Analysis | UP CST | 2021 | 20.00 | Ongoing | |
Department of Mathematics & Statistics | Dr. Rajesh Kumar | Major Research Project | UP CST | 2021 | 10.06 | Completed | |
Department of Physics | Dr. Nikhil Kumar | Ion beam effect on the properties of High Tc Superconducting thin films, nano Devices and ferromagnetic nano structures used for Cancer therapy | IUAC | 2021 | 15.00 | Ongoing | |
Department of Zoology | Dr. Vinay Kumar Singh | Pilot Telemedicine Demonstration Project | DST-TIFAC | 2021 | 8.00 | Completed | |
Department of Psychology | Dr. Girijesh Kumar Yadav | Understanding the perspective and coping strategy for recently emerged COVID-19: An exploratory study in tribal population of Himachal Pradesh and Madhya Pradesh. | Indian Council of Medical Research, New Delhi | 2021 | 2.75 | Completed | |
Department of Geography | Dr. Sarvesh Kumar | International Project- Comparative Study of Cultural Links and Ritual Landscapes between Gaya (Korea) and India (Project No: 500-20180233) | National Research Foundation, Rep. of Korea | 2020 | 15.00 | Completed | |
Department of Geography | Dr. Ankit Singh | SPATIAL CHARACTERIZATION OF HAZARDS AND DATABASE CREATION FOR DISASTER RISK REDUCTION IN EASTERN UTTAR PRADESH | Department of Higher Education, Government of Uttar Pradesh, India | 2020 | 10.00 | Ongoing | |
Department of Botany | Dr. Rajveer Singh Chauhan | Establishment of Herbal Garden | National Medicinal Plant Board, Ministry of AYUSH, New Delhi | 2020 | 21.60 | Ongoing | |
Department of Botany | Dr. Virendra Kumar Madhukar | Establishment of Herbal Garden | National Medicinal Plant Board, Ministry of AYUSH | 2020 | 21.60 | Ongoing | |
Department of Chemistry | Dr. Atresh Kumar Singh | Synthesis, reactivity, structural characterization, and catalytic activity of Schiff base complexes of iron (III) | U.G.C., New Delhi | 2020 | 10.00 | Completed | |
Department of Chemistry | Dr. Alok Kumar Singh | “Nanostructured molecular assemblies for addressing multi-analytes via differential analyses and tuning of electronic and optical properties” | University Grants Commission, New Delhi | 2020 | 10.00 | Completed | |
Department of Chemistry | Dr. Alok Kumar Chaudhari | Studies on structural features and functional properties of the electrodeposited metal matrix nanocomposites | UGC, New Delhi | 2020 | 10.00 | Completed | |
Department of Physics | Dr. Prashant Shahi | High-pressure regulation and performance optimization of thermoelectric materials based on one- dimensional telluride Nb4SiTe4, Ta4SiTe4 and their solid solution for low- temperature application | University Grant Commision | 2020 | 10.00 | Completed | |
Department of Physics | Dr. Manindra Kumar | Development of Potato Starch based flexible electrolyte membrane for the energy storage devices. | University Grants Commission New Delhi- India | 2020 | 10.00 | Completed | |
Department of Physics | Dr. Deepash Shekhar Saini | Development of cost effective BaZr1xYxO3 (0 x 0.2, x = 0.1) proton conducting electrolyte using spark plasma sintering : A promising material for intermediate temperature solid oxide fuel cells | UGC, India | 2020 | 10.00 | Completed | |
Department of Physics | Dr. Udai Bhan Singh | Synthesis of Ag plasmonic and study of electronic sputtering by ion beam irradiation on thin film | IUAC, New Delhi | 2020 | 10.00 | Ongoing | |
Department of Psychology | Dr. Girijesh Kumar Yadav | A qualitative study on psycho social issues and challenges of individuals diagnosed with Covid- 19 in eastern UP | ICMR - Regional Medical Research Centre, Gorakhpur - 273013 | 2020 | 2.00 | Completed | |
Department of Psychology | Dr. Girijesh Kumar Yadav | Factors Related to Covid-19 Stigma: A Mixed Method Study. | Indian Council of Medical Research, New Delhi | 2020 | 3.91 | Completed | |
Department of Psychology | Dr. Girijesh Kumar Yadav | Clinico-epidemiological Dimensions of Covid-19 Patients During infection & Post-discharge: A case series in and around Gorakhpur in Eastern UP | ICMR-Regional Medical Research Centre, Gorakhpur - 273013 | 2020 | 2.00 | Completed | |
Department of Biotechnology | Dr. Dinesh Yadav | Application of microbial enzymes isolated from environmental samples for preparation of handmade paper (No.DST/WOS-B/2018/1707-C & G) dated 26/09/2019) | DST-Women Scientist-B awarded to Dr. Aiman Tanveer | 2019 | 36.48 | Completed | |
Department of Botany | Dr. Abhai Kumar | To find the association of Vitamin D level and white matter integrity on cognitive functions of mild cognitive impaired subjects in North India | Cognitive Science Research Initiative, DST, India | 2019 | 21.24 | Completed | |
Department of Botany | Dr. Smriti Mall | Identification , Epidemiology and Management of Brinjal little leaf disease in Eastern Uttar Pradesh,India | UGC, New Delhi | 2019 | 10.00 | Completed | |
Department of Botany | Dr. Smriti Mall | Phytoremediation of Methylene Blue toxic dye using Monochoria hastate:An aquatic plant | DST INSPIRE (SHE) | 2019 | 0.20 | Completed | |
Department of Botany | Dr. Smriti Mall | Study of Metabolic and Physiological Changes Induced in Brinjal (Solanum melongena L.) Infected by Phytoplasma in Eastern Uttar Pradesh, India | DST INSPIRE FELLOWSHIP , awarded to Akanksha Singh | 2019 | 20.00 | Completed | |
Department of Chemistry | Dr. Sarvesh Kumar Pandey | New Insight into the Biomimetic Action of Zn(II) Macrocyclic structural motif as hydrolytic enzymes | UGC-NEW DELHI | 2019 | 10.00 | Completed | |
Department of Chemistry | Dr. Pradeep Kumar Rao | Theoretical Studies on the Atmospheric Degradation of Hydrofluoro-olefins (HFOs) | University Grant Commission | 2019 | 10.00 | Completed | |
Department of Electronics | Dr. Kusum Rawat | Multi-wavelength excitable luminescent ink and its detection device for security applications | NPIU-MHRD | 2019 | 13.62 | Completed | |
Department of Mathematics & Statistics | Dr. Sudhir Kumar Srivastava | COE | UP Government | 2019 | 20.00 | Completed | |
Department of Mathematics & Statistics | Dr. Archana Singh Bhadauria | UGC BSR START UP Research Project | UGC | 2019 | 10.00 | Completed | |
Department of Mathematics & Statistics | Dr. Rajesh Kumar | UGC-BSR Major Research Project | UGC | 2019 | 10.00 | Completed | |
Department of Mathematics & Statistics | Dr. Rajesh Kumar | Centre of Excellence | UP Government | 2019 | 7.00 | Completed | |
Department of Physics | Dr. Ambrish Kumar Srivastava | Superatoms as Building Blocks of Novel Materials for Various Applications: A Computational Approach | University Grants Commission (UGC), India | 2019 | 10.00 | Completed | |
Department of Physics | Dr. Prashant Shahi | High-pressure regulation and performance optimization of thermoelectric materials based on IV-VI binary composition | Science & Engineering Research Board (SERB), India | 2019 | 31.65 | Completed | |
Department of Physics | Dr. Vineet Kumar Singh | Study of thermal stability of AZO thin film for Perovskite/Silicon Tandem Solar Cell Application | University Grant Commission | 2019 | 10.00 | Completed | |
Department of Physics | Dr. Udai Bhan Singh | Ion beam induced formation of Nanoparticle-Film with Gap (NFG) system for ultra-sensitive Surface Enhanced Raman Scattering (SERS) | UGC India | 2019 | 10.00 | Completed | |
Department of Physics | Dr. Dipendra Sharma | Studies of Molecular Structure and Physical Properties of Liquid Crystals | University Grants Commission, New Delhi, India | 2019 | 10.00 | Completed | |
Department of Zoology | Dr. Ram Pratap Yadav | Oxidative stress and genotoxicity biomarkersresponses in special reference to aquaticorganism | UGC(BSR) | 2019 | 8.00 | Completed | |
Department of Zoology | Dr. Smita Singh | Role of Benzodiazepine and Z drugs in chronic insomnia | DST | 2019 | 35.00 | Completed | |
Department of Biotechnology | Dr. Sarad Kumar Mishra | Interrelation of pesticide exposure and cancer development | UGC | 2018 | 19.20 | Completed | |
Department of Physics | Dr. Ravi Shankar Singh (On Leave) | To establish a research centre | UP Government | 2018 | 14.00 | Ongoing | |
Department of Physics | Dr. Nikhil Kumar | Nano-SQUID Magnetometry for Biomedical Applications | DST | 2018 | 35.00 | Ongoing | |
Department of Physics | Dr. Ambrish Kumar Srivastava | Computational Exploration of Superatomic Clusters and Their Potential Applications in a Variety of Fields | Science & Engineering Research Board (SERB), India | 2017 | 10.70 | Completed | |
Department of Biotechnology | Dr. Rajarshi Kumar Gaur | Resistance to Cucumber mosaic virus infection using Intracellular Antibody Capture Technology | SERB, New Delhi | 2016 | 27.82 | Completed | |
Department of Chemistry | Dr. Sudha Yadava | Potential of indigenous fungi belonging to the genera Aspergillus for the stereo selective transformations of alkyl benzenes to produce chiral 1-phenylalkanols | CSIR, New Delhi | 2016 | 18.66 | Completed | |
Department of Chemistry | Dr. Alok Kumar Singh | “Surface-confined, redox-active dinuclear metal polypyridyl complexes for multistate near-infrared electrochromism and photocatalytic activities” | Department of Science & Technology, New Delhi | 2016 | 35.00 | Completed | |
Department of Chemistry | Dr. Sachin Kumar Singh | Fabrication of Real time, Highly Sensitive and Selective Liquid Crystal-based Optical Sensors for Detection of Heavy Metal ions in Water | Department of Science and Technology (DST), New Delhi | 2016 | 35.00 | Completed | |
Department of Physics | Dr. Ravi Shankar Singh (On Leave) | Major Project | UGC New Delhi | 2016 | 9.50 | Completed | |
Department of Physics | Dr. Shantanu Rastogi | Study on possible remote sensing of methane on Mars using data products of Methane Sensor for Mars (MSM) | ISRO, MOM-AO project, Bangalore | 2016 | 21.90 | Completed | |
Department of Physics | Dr. Udai Bhan Singh | Development of Coupled Plasmonic Nanostructures for Giant Surface Enhanced Raman Scattering | Science and Engineering Research Board (SERB) | 2016 | 20.00 | Completed | |
Department of Psychology | Dr. Girijesh Kumar Yadav | A Study of Psychological Problems among diamond workers in Ahmedabad. | ICMR-National Institute of Occupational Health, Ahmedabad - 380016, Gujarat | 2016 | 2.00 | Completed | |
Department of Economics | Dr. Karunakar Ram Tripathi | A Study of the Effects of TRIPs Agreement on Indian Drugs and Pharmaceutical Industry | UGC, New Delhi | 2015 | 6.69 | Completed | |
Department of Biotechnology | Dr. Rajarshi Kumar Gaur | Construction of a DNA-based virus induced gene silencing system for functional genomics of soybean seed development | UGC, New Delhi | 2015 | 34.49 | Completed | |
Department of Botany | Dr. Abhai Kumar | To find specific markers for mild cognitive impairment vulnerable to Alzheimer’s disease by diffusion tensor imaging, plasma proteomics and peripheral antioxidant enzymes status | Science and Engineering Board, Govt. of India, India | 2015 | 33.20 | Completed | |
Department of Botany | Dr. Ramwant Gupta | Nutraceutical profiling of local landraces of rice in Fiji. | Fiji National University | 2015 | 3.00 | Completed | |
Department of Botany | Dr. Ramwant Gupta | Improvement of the efficiency of double haploid (DH) production in some solanaceae and cucurbetaceae species via androgenesis. | CRC, CEST, Fiji National University, Fiji Islands | 2015 | 90.00 | Completed | |
Department of Chemistry | Dr. Som Shankar Dubey | Adsorption of The Rare Earth Ions Using Metal Oxide Nano Particles | University Grants Commission, New Delhi | 2015 | 11.40 | Completed | |
Department of Biotechnology | Dr. Dinesh Yadav | Mining of soil metagenome for cloning, expression and characterization of novel pectin lyase genes (No.F.4-2/2006(BSR)/BL/13-14/0220 dated 02/12/2013) | UGC- Dr. D.S Kothari Post-Doctoral Fellowship to Dr. Aiman Tanveer | 2014 | 14.59 | Completed | |
Department of Biotechnology | Dr. Dinesh Yadav | Genome wide characterization of DNA binding with One finger(DOF) transcription factor gene family of chickpea for identifying genomic resources for developing biotic and abiotic stress tolerance” (No.738/DYCROPS/RF/2014 dated 30/07/2014) | UP Council of Agricultural Research, Lucknow | 2014 | 15.18 | Completed | |
Department of Physics | Dr. Shantanu Rastogi | Observational investigation of PAH and dust features in galactic and extra-galactic environments | DST–JSPS Indo–Japan cooperative science program | 2014 | 0.00 | Completed | |
Department of Physics | Dr. Umesh Yadava | Structural Genomics of Anaerobic pathogens | UGC, New Delhi | 2014 | 23.22 | Completed | |
Department of Mathematics & Statistics | Dr. Triloki Nath | UGC-Startup Grant | UGC, New Delhi | 2014 | 6.00 | Completed | |
Department of Biotechnology | Dr. Dinesh Yadav | Genome wide identification, molecular cloning and in silico characterization of Dof (DNA binding with One Finger) transcription factor genes of pigeon pea (Cajanus cajan (L) Millisp)” (No. SR/WOS-A/LS-110/2012 (G) dated 15/05/2013) | DST sponsored Women Scientist Scheme A (WOS-A) to Dr. Neha Malviya | 2013 | 26.00 | Completed | |
Department of Biotechnology | Dr. Rajarshi Kumar Gaur | Development of Non-Transgenic Strategic to Control Potyvirus Diseases | Department of Science and Technology (Indo-Bulgaria inter government project) | 2013 | 6.39 | Completed | |
Department of Physics | Dr. Shantanu Rastogi | Genotoxicity and metabolic anomalies induced by water pollutants in fresh water fishes | University Grants Commission, New Delhi | 2013 | 13.50 | Completed | |
Department of Zoology | Dr. Ajay Singh | Genotoxicity and metabolic anomalies induced by water pollutants in fresh water fishes | University Grants Commission, New Delhi | 2013 | 13.49 | Completed | |
Department of Political Science | Dr. Gopal Prasad | Principal Investigator of UGC supported Major Research Project in Political Science entitled, “Bhartiya Rajneeti mein SC/ST Jan-Pratinidhiyo Ki Sithti ka vishleshan (Uttar Pradesh Ke vishesh Sandarbh mein)” w.e.f 1.7.2012 in the Department of Political Science, DDU Gorakhpur University, Gorakhpur. | UGC, New Delhi | 2012 | 44.00 | Ongoing | |
Department of Biotechnology | Dr. Rajarshi Kumar Gaur | Design and application of two novel degenerate primer pairs for the identification & complete characterization of potyviruses | Department of Biotechnology (DBT), Government of India, New Delhi | 2012 | 26.58 | Completed | |
Department of Botany | Dr. Abhai Kumar | Proteomics based approaches for identification of Biomarker for typhoid fever | University Grants Commission, Govt. of India | 2012 | 23.16 | Completed | |
Department of Botany | Dr. Smriti Mall | Epidemiological Studies on Sugarcane Grassy Shoot Phytoplasma Disease in India | SERB, Fast Track DST, Project | 2012 | 14.00 | Completed | |
Department of Chemistry | Dr. Sudha Yadava | Studies on yellow laccases of Daedalea flavida MTCC-145 and Abortipourus biennis MTCC-1176 | UPCST | 2012 | 8.76 | Completed | |
Department of Physics | Dr. Shantanu Rastogi | An ARFI network observatory at DDU Gorakhpur University | ISRO-GBP project, Space Physics Laboratory, Thiruvananthpuram | 2012 | 126.00 | Ongoing | |
Department of Defence & Strategic Studies | Dr. Vinod Kumar Singh | Dakshin Asia Mein Nabhikiy Nirashtikaran Ki Sambhavanay: Ek Vishleshanatamak Adhayayn | University Grants Commission | 2011 | 5.40 | Completed | |
Department of Physics | Dr. Umesh Yadava | Synthesis ,X-ray crystallographic and computational studies on some pyrazolo[3,4-d] pyrimidines | DST, New Delhi | 2011 | 21.80 | Completed | |
Department of Zoology | Dr. Vinay Kumar Singh | Studies on synergistic molluscicidal activity of Mimusops elengi (Linn) and Bahuinia vareigata (Linn) with other plant molluscicide, piperonyl butoxide and MGK 264 against harmful snails | UGC | 2011 | 7.44 | Completed | |
Department of Biotechnology | Dr. Dinesh Yadav | Molecular Cloning, Expression and in silico Characterization of Microbial Pectin Lyase Gene(s) (F.No.37-133/2009 (SR) dated 12/01/2010) | UGC-major project | 2010 | 11.11 | Completed | |
Department of Biotechnology | Dr. Rajarshi Kumar Gaur | RNAi mediated transgenic plant against begomovirus | Department of Biotechnology (DBT), Government of India, New Delhi | 2010 | 15.41 | Completed | |
Department of Physics | Dr. Shantanu Rastogi | Genotoxicity and metabolic anomalies induced by pulp and paper mill effluents in fresh water fishes | Council of Science and Technology, Govt. Of U. P. | 2010 | 5.30 | Completed | |
Department of Zoology | Dr. Ajay Singh | Genotoxicity and metabolic anomalies induced by pulp and paper mill effluents in fresh water fishes | Council of Science and Technology, Govt. Of U. P. | 2010 | 5.30 | Completed | |
Department of English & Modern European Languages | Dr. Amod Kumar Rai | Indian Culture in Booker Winners | UGC New Delhi | 2010 | 1.50 | Completed | |
Institute of Pharmacy | Ms. Sanober Parveen | Pharmacognostic and Phytochemical Studies of Alstonia scholaris fruit | DIPSAR, India | 2010 | 1 | Completed | |
Department of Psychology | Dr. Anubhuti Dubey | Psychosocial Dynamics of Health in Women of Rural Eastern Utter Pradesh | ICSSR | 2009 | 17.00 | Completed | |
Department of Biotechnology | Dr. Rajarshi Kumar Gaur | A coordinated approach to creating Transgenic Cotton resistant to begomoviruses, cotton leaf curl viruses: efficacy and durability | Department of Science and Technology, New Delhi | 2009 | 12.59 | Completed | |
Department of Physics | Dr. Shantanu Rastogi | Studies on herbal formulations based on common medicinal plants used against Vector snails in Tarai region of Eastern Uttar Pradesh | Indian Council of Medical Research, New Delhi | 2009 | 5.39 | Completed | |
Department of Zoology | Dr. Ajay Singh | Studies on herbal formulations based on common medicinal plants used against Vector snails in Tarai region of Eastern Uttar Pradesh | Indian Council of Medical Research, New Delhi | 2009 | 5.39 | Completed | |
Department of Physics | Dr. Shantanu Rastogi | The X-ray variability of Active Galactic Nuclei | DST New Delhi | 2009 | 6.50 | Completed | |
Department of Zoology | Dr. Veena Batra Kushwaha | Pharmacol ogical evaluation for anti-fertility effect of in albino mice/rat the plant Annona squamosa | UGC New Delhi | 2009 | 97.00 | Completed | |
Department of Chemistry | Dr. Umesh Nath Tripathi | Studies on the complexes of poly pyridyl based iron group metal as photo sensitize | CST Lucknow U.P. | 2008 | 7.00 | Completed | |
Department of Physics | Dr. Shantanu Rastogi | Studies on the toxic effect of bioactive compounds extracted from Euphorbious plant on the non-target organism | University Grants Commission, New Delhi | 2008 | 6.32 | Completed | |
Department of Zoology | Dr. Ajay Singh | Studies on the toxic effect of bioactive compounds extracted from Euphorbious plant on the non-target organism | University Grants Commission, New Delhi | 2008 | 6.32 | Completed | |
Department of Physics | Dr. Shantanu Rastogi | Estimation of atmospheric trace gases using remote sensing technique | SAC, ISRO, Ahmedabad | 2008 | 16.00 | Completed | |
Department of Physics | Dr. Shantanu Rastogi | Optical spectroscopic study of stars with PAH features | ISRO-RESPOND, Bangalore | 2008 | 14.00 | Completed | |
Department of Zoology | Dr. Ravi Kant Upadhyay | “Characterization and immunocytochemical localization of cholesterol binding proteins”. | CSIR | 2008 | 12.00 | Completed | |
Department of Chemistry | Dr. Umesh Nath Tripathi | Studies on Ruthenium Poly pyridyl based multi metal complexes as photo sensitizer. | UGC India | 2007 | 2.00 | Completed | |
Department of Zoology | Dr. Ravi Kant Upadhyay | Antibacterial and antifungal activity of certain plant essential oils and their major constituents against drug resistant pathogens | UGC sponsored major research project | 2007 | 65.00 | Completed | |
Department of Commerce | Dr. Ajeya Kumar Gupta | Entrepreneurial Development in Eastern Uttar Pradesh | Ministry of Small Scale Industries, Government of India | 2006 | 4.00 | Completed | |
Department of Biotechnology | Dr. Dinesh Yadav | Characterization of proteins of nutritional importance and isolation of relevant genes and promoters from finger millets (BT/PR7849/AGR/02/374/2006) | DBT Programme Support for Research and Development in Agricultural Biotechnology at G.B Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar | 2006 | 79.93 | Completed | |
Department of Biotechnology | Dr. Dinesh Yadav | Investigating the role of Dof transcription factor in accumulation of seed storage proteins and nitrogen metabolism during grain development in finger millet (BT/PR7849/AGR/02/374/2006) | Investigating the role of Dof transcription factor in accumulation of seed storage proteins and nitrogen metabolism during grain development in finger millet (BT/PR7849/AGR/02/374/2006) | 2006 | 79.93 | Completed | |
Department of Chemistry | Dr. Umesh Nath Tripathi | Synthesis and characterization of O-Alkyl, O-cycloalkyl and O-Aryl Trithiophosphates of Ti(IV) and Zr(IV): As possible precursor for pure TiS2 by Thio Sol-gel method | UGC India | 2006 | 5.00 | Completed | |
Department of Physics | Dr. Umesh Yadava | Study of Structure and conformation of some biomolecules using crystallographic and theoretical techniques | UGC, New Delhi | 2006 | 0.50 | Completed | |
Department of Zoology | Dr. Sunil Kumar Singh | “Toxic effects of plant origin pesticides on non-target aquatic organism” | SERB, DST, New Delhi, India | 2006 | 15.00 | Completed | |
Institute of Pharmacy | Mr. Abhay Murari Lal Verma | Development and in-vitro Evaluation of liposomal topical delivery system for Ciclopirox olamine | AICTE, INDIA | 2006 | 1.3 | Completed | |
Department of Commerce | Dr. R.P. Singh | Major Research Project on 193000 HUMAN RESPONSES TO CREATIVITY MANAGEMENT IN KNOWLEDGE BASED INDUSTRIES | UGC, New Delhi | 2005 | 19.00 | Completed | |
Department of Medieval & Modern History | Dr. Chandra Bhushan Gupta | KOREA FOUNDATION FOR HIGHER STUDIES SEOUL (SOUTH KOREA) | 2004 | 2.40 | Completed | ||
Department of Commerce | Dr. Ajeya Kumar Gupta | Remedy to the Malady of Development Banks-in-Transition: From Corporatization to Reverse Merger, to Universal Banking to Sell off! (With special reference to its Financial Management) | UGC India | 2004 | 3.00 | Completed | |
Department of Zoology | Dr. Ram Pratap Yadav | Effects of bio-pesticides in natural ponds withspecial reference to target and non-targetorganism | DST-SERB | 2004 | 11.00 | Completed | |
Department of Physics | Dr. Shantanu Rastogi | Effect of bio-toxins on growth and development of freshwater paddy fish Channa punctatus | Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, New Delhi | 2003 | 5.15 | Completed | |
Department of Physics | Dr. Shantanu Rastogi | Studies on isolation, purification and identification of active compounds from common medicinal plants and their role in integrated vector management (IVM) programme | University Grants Commission, New Delhi | 2003 | 5.96 | Completed | |
Department of Zoology | Dr. Ajay Singh | Effect of bio-toxins on growth and development of freshwater paddy fish Channa punctatus | Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, New Delhi | 2003 | 5.15 | Completed | |
Department of Zoology | Dr. Ajay Singh | Studies on isolation, purification and identification of active compounds from common medicinal plants and their role inintegrated vector management (IVM) programme | University Grants Commission, New Delhi | 2003 | 5.96 | Completed | |
Department of Mathematics & Statistics | Dr. Sudhir Kumar Srivastava | Basic Issues in Tribal Development:A Mathematical Study | UGC | 2003 | 20.00 | Completed | |
Department of Zoology | Dr. Veena Batra Kushwaha | Controlled release of Molluscici des from Polymer Matrices | UGC New Delhi | 2003 | 74.00 | Completed | |
Department of Biotechnology | Dr. Sarad Kumar Mishra | Purification and characterization of alpha galactosidase from microbial sources | UGC | 2002 | 2.00 | Completed | |
Department of Physics | Dr. Shantanu Rastogi | Study of vibrational and reaction dynamics of macromolecules of environmental and astrophysical interest | Council of Science and Technology, U.P. | 2002 | 3.07 | Completed | |
Department of Zoology | Dr. Ravi Kant Upadhyay | “Production of polyclonal antibodies against animal toxins by using natural and synthetic toxin peptides | UGC sponsored major research project | 2002 | 67.00 | Completed | |
Department of Education | Dr. Sarita Pandey | Evaluations Of theory Papers And Practical Works Prescribed Under B.Ed Curriculum of Deen Dayal Upadhyay Gorakhpur University , Gorakhpur | University Grant Commssion, India | 2002 | 0.25 | Completed | |
Department of Physics | Dr. Shantanu Rastogi | Studies on toxicological and biochemical effects of plant origin pesticides on freshwater non-target organism | Indian Council of Agricultural Research, Ministry of Agriculture, Govt. Of India, New Delhi | 2001 | 7.38 | Completed | |
Department of Zoology | Dr. Ajay Singh | Studies on toxicological and biochemical effects of plant origin pesticides on freshwater non-target organism | Indian Council of Agricultural Research, Ministry of Agriculture, Govt. Of India, New Delhi | 2001 | 7.38 | Completed | |
Department of Physics | Dr. Shantanu Rastogi | Studies on molluscicidal activity of some common plants of family Euphorbiaceae and their environmental impact on freshwater non-target animals | Department of Environment, Ministry of Environment and Forest Govt. Of India, New Delhi | 2000 | 10.72 | Completed | |
Department of Zoology | Dr. Ajay Singh | Studies on molluscicidal activity of some common plants of family Euphorbiaceae and their environmental impact on freshwater non-target animals | Department of Environment, Ministry of Environment and Forest Govt. Of India, New Delhi | 2000 | 10.72 | Completed | |
Department of Physics | Dr. Shantanu Rastogi | Studies on snails as indicator of Environmental pollution with pesticides | CST, Uttar Pradesh | 1999 | 2.75 | Completed | |
Department of Zoology | Dr. Ajay Singh | Studies on snails as indicator of Environmental pollution with pesticides | CST, Uttar Pradesh | 1999 | 2.75 | Completed | |
Department of Physics | Dr. Shantanu Rastogi | Studies on synergism with molluscicidal plant product against harmful snails. | DBT New Delhi | 1997 | 8.28 | Completed | |
Department of Zoology | Dr. Ajay Singh | Studies on synergism with molluscicidal plant product against harmful snails. | DBT, New Delhi | 1997 | 8.27 | Completed | |
Department of Mathematics & Statistics | Dr. Sudhir Kumar Srivastava | Structures on Differentiable Manifolds | UGC | 1996 | 19.00 | Completed | |