दीनदयाल उपाध्याय गोरखपुर विश्‍वविद्यालय

Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Gorakhpur University

(Accredited A++ by NAAC)
100 Year Logo

EDP Cell

Prof. Vinay Kumar Singh

EDP Cell - Incharge

(Department of Zoology)

About the Cell

The Electronic Data Processing (EDP) Cell was established & inaugurated by the Honorable Chancellor Prof. Vishnukant Shashtri, Governor, U.P. on 21-12-2001. Now EDP Cell has completed successfully nineteen year with lot of credentials. Since July, 2018 Professor Vinay Kumar Singh, Department of Zoology has taken over as EDP-in-Charge is under visionary leadership of Vice-Chancellor Prof. V.K. Singh. EDP Cell run smoothly with 04 data entry operator, 01 office assistant & 02 fourth class employees.


The EDP Cell has been established with cutting edge technology equipment’s like 01 server, LAN with 12 nodes, 04 high speed A4 size laser printer, 02 high speed A3 size laser printer & 02 line printers fully networked on switch based technology. The internet connectivity has been established through BSNL. In parallel to the high-tech equipment’s the EDP Cell is well supported by highly skilled manpower.

Computerization of Examination System

The university examination system has been transformed on computer. All the work from nominal rolls to results declaration & Mark sheets preparation are now being carried out by EDP Cell. In year 2002 EDP cell declared the result of 81 college’s with a student’s strength of around 80 thousands. In the year 2019,university has declared 342 college’s result’s (07 Government college, 21 Aided College, 310 Self Finance College, 01 medical college, 01 Dental college, 01 Nursing college & 01 Physiotherapy college) with a student’s strength of around 2.81 lakhs.

  • Preparation of Invigilation duty list for annual, backpaper / improvement & semester examinations.
  • Uploading examination data of University & affiliated college (UG & PG) for Scholarship on SamajKalyan website, Uttar Pradesh.