दीनदयाल उपाध्याय गोरखपुर विश्‍वविद्यालय

Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Gorakhpur University

(Accredited A++ by NAAC)
100 Year Logo

About Department

The Department of Chemistry is a prominent Department of this University and it has its illustrious past. It was established at the very beginning of this University in the year 1956 and started its functioning under the dynamic leadership of two well known Chemists, Prof. R.C.Mehrotra and Dr. S.C. Tripathi. Later the Department reached to a height of excellence in teaching and research under the guidance of another eminent Physicochemist, Prof. R.P. Rastogi. Currently, the Department is led by Prof.Umesh Nath Tripathi who is a well recognized Material Chemist. His group is working on optically active inorganic-organic materials. This Department strives to create a first class experience for its students by providing a state-of-the-art educational and research environment and giving an opportunity to interact with faculty members. The Department is dedicated to maintain its reputation as an outstanding Chemistry Department on the basis of the rigorous curriculum and the quality of research. The Chemistry faculty is committed to encourage students to come up with innovative ideas and fulfil their dreams by preparing themselves most suited for the competitive global market.

The Department values teaching and research on equal footing and emphasizes research as an integral component of the overall growth of the academic environment and every possible opportunity is harnessed to include there search in the curriculum. Teaching and research programs of the department sustain a rigorous and innovative curriculum. The core mission of the Department is to advance the Chemical Sciences through the maintenance and development of the highest quality teaching and research programs and encouraging students to develop themselves as independent, productive and inventive scholars. The Department carries out its mission through shared leadership, effective management, and productive collaborations.

Success of the Department’s mission requires strong infrastructure and financial support, which is accomplished by having access to a physical infrastructure, modern instrumentation, and technical and administrative staff needed to support teaching and research of the highest quality. The faculty members always strive to ensure that the Department is well funded in support of its mission through both external grants and contracts and support from different funding agencies. A number of research projects from different funding agencies such as INSA, UGC, CSIR, CST (UP), DST, Department of Environment, ICAR etc. are awarded to the faculty members for conducting research in cutting-edge areas of Chemical Science.

The current perspective of high level research in the thrust areas of Chemical Science needs sophisticated and expensive equipment. To fulfil the requirement, the Department has a state of art air-conditioned Instrumentation Lab with on-line power backup for 24x7 power supply. This laboratory is for our M.Sc. and Ph.D.students. The lab consists of equipment such as UV-VIS spectrophotometer, HPLC,MilliQ water equipment, Magnetic susceptibility measuring device, and many others. Networking of Labs and computational facility has been established. Each faculty member is equipped with internet facility that helps in solving the problems of needy students. The Department has air-conditioned smart class/seminar rooms equipped with state-of-art audio-visual facility which are used regularly by the faculty members for presentation of their specific lectures to the students as well as by the students for their project work, presentations, seminars etc.

All the faculty members are actively involved in teaching and research. Majority off aculty members have interactions with renowned scientists in USA,UK, Germany, Belgium, Israel, Australia and Japan and some of them have worked in World’s renowned laboratories. Several students of this Department have been awarded post-doctoral fellowship in foreign countries where they have very creditably proved their worthiness. Alumni of this Department are spread all over the world and have occupied (are occupying) glorious positions. Additionally, they have also marked their presence abroad at reputed institutions and industries.

The research activity has always been the focal point of the Department. This is reflected by the fact that the Department has continued support from UGC under its Special Assistance Program (SAP) way back from 1974 and Department has been assisted under DSA Phase -III by an amount of Rs. 2.00Crore. In order to strengthen the infrastructure for high level research and teaching the Department was also funded by DST under its FIST program. The quality of researches done by faculty members of the Department is also recognized by UP State Government and provided special funding under its Centre of Excellence program to enhance the research activities. This is further reflected by the fact that UGC under its BSR program sanctioned a number of research fellowships during the past 10 years to Ph.D. students for their Ph.D. degree in the Department. A great emphasis is placed on maintaining a high standard of teaching and it is always tried to let the students abreast with the state of the art in Science and Technology. A Computer Informatics Lab having 15 desktops are available for M.Sc. and Ph.D. students. All the computers are connected to the high-speed LAN of the University. Every year more than a dozen students qualify the NET/GATE examinations.

Every year at least one refresher course is organized in the Department. Seminars and Conferences are the regular features of the Department. Recently notable National and International Seminars were organized in the Department. Several reputed scientists/ professors were invited to deliver their talk in their specific field of interest that were helpful for students.

In order to provide better education, a peaceful and healthy environment is a must. The Department opined that to avoid unscrupulous activities of the unwanted, unknown people in the Department a close monitoring was needed. The installation of CCTV cameras at different places and the iron grills at open places made the Department a safe and secure place to study and work. In order to provide a better library facility to students of Chemistry Department, the Departmental library is computerized and air-conditioned to provide a comfortable environment. There is a plan to equip the library with audio-visual and reprographic facilities.

It goes to the credit of the teachers, administrative staff and students alike in maintaining a very disciplined and healthy academic atmosphere in the Department. Additionally, the contribution made by the Alumni of this Department has always been stimulus in keeping the Department aesthetically beautiful and intellectually satisfying.