दीनदयाल उपाध्याय गोरखपुर विश्‍वविद्यालय

Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Gorakhpur University

(Accredited A++ by NAAC)
100 Year Logo

About Department

Computer Science and IT industry have emerged out as very fast growing fields of knowledge. Numerous other related branches like communication, electronics, mechanics etc. have acquired a new get-up linking up with computers and software and thereby developing an entirely new branch of engineering, reengineering and reverse engineering as ‘Software Engineering’. Information technology integrates a wide spectrum of knowledge and skill ranging from the design of computer hardware, software systems and telecommunications to the impact of information technology on society. To realize the importance and dimensions of Computer science and Information and Communication Technology(ICT) in the globalized world scenario, DDU Gorakhpur University embarked upon the path of setting up a Computer Centre in 1987 under the patronage of Physics Department. Under the aegis of Physics Department, Computer Centre started a professional course namely Post Graduate Diploma in Computer Science(PGDCS) with effect from 1988. Further Computer Science as a subject at graduate level was introduced in 1996 under the Department of Computer Science. A UG course in Bachelor of Computer Application(BCA) is started from session 2012-13to inculcate technical backbone to students who are seeking career in software design .

The department is fully involved in R&D works and arranging all the facilities to students to improve their knowledge and skills. Department of Computer Science imparts quality teaching of Undergraduate and Post -Graduate Courses in Computer Science. Our Vision is to develop the Computer Science Department as a Technology hub for Research & Software Development . A state of art lab comprising 20 nodes with WiFi facilities and seminar hall is ready to facilitate various courses running in the department and to uplift research activities.

The thrust area of research in the department are Data Science, Cloud Computing, Network Communication etc. The department is headed by Dr. U N Tripathi.

Courses offered:

1. B.Sc. Computer Science as a Major

2. Bachelor of Computer Application(BCA)

3. Ph.D. in Computer Science.