दीनदयाल उपाध्याय गोरखपुर विश्‍वविद्यालय

Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Gorakhpur University

(Accredited A++ by NAAC)
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Research Policy Click Here to Download


Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Gorakhpur University, Gorakhpur is committed to provide congenial atmosphere to all faculty members & research scholars to do excellent research pertaining to both local & global issues. The Research Promotion Policy of the university aims to help its faculty members, research scholars & other stakeholders to achieve the excellence in “research, innovation & entrepreneurship” contributing to upliftment of both institution & society.


  • To encourage faculty members to formulate specific research projects based on their area of specialization for financial support by different funding agencies.
  • To initiate collaborations with national & international institutes/universities for developing state-of-the-art technologies relevant to different disciplines.
  • To motivate the faculty members & Ph.D. scholars to publish the outcomes of their research in peer-reviewed journal with high impact factors, file patents & transfer technologies to relevant industries.
  • To recognize both faculty members & students for their significant research outcomes by awards.

To achieve the above-mentioned objectives, several initiatives were framed & proposed.

  • Mahayogi Guru Gorakshnath Gold Medal for Ph.D. research scholars for doing extraordinary research. This is generally decided by Dean’s committee where applications received from research scholars forwarded by respective Head of the Department are screened on the basis of several criteria.
    Some of the criteria are:
    • Student is a regular Ph.D. scholar registered in any department of D.D.U. Gorakhpur University.
    • He should be either first author or corresponding author for the paper(s) published & to be claimed for award.
    • Research/review papers published in peer-reviewed journals under SCI/SCIE with impact factor of Thomson Reuter are preferred.
    • The outcome of the research in terms of publications is considered for the period from the last convocation upto/or before submission of the Ph.D. thesis.
  • An Intellectual Property Right (IPR) Cell funded by Council of Science and Technology, Lucknow has been established in the University to assist faculty members & students for filing patents & get an insight into other IPRs.
  • A committee for promoting research excellence by formulating rules & regulation for implementation of research projects has been formed.
  • Research awards to faculty members for excellence have been proposed.
  • Institutional fellowship for some Ph.D. scholars is also proposed.
  • It is also proposed to provide seed money for faculty members showing potential for excellent research.
  • Financial support to faculty members for participation in seminar/workshop/conferences, both National & International, has been provided.
  • To carry out research projects funded by different funding agencies, separate sections like UGC, DST, CST-UP, etc. are available which facilitate the proper utilization of funds.