1. |
https://niscpr.res.in/periodicals/researchjournals |
2. |
Indian Academy of Science |
http://www.ias.ac.in/jbiosc |
3. |
Indian Council of Medical Research
Journals |
https://ijmr.icmr.org.in/ijmr/ |
4. |
Indian National Science Academy |
https://insa.nic.in/ |
5. |
Indian Medlars Centre MedInd Journals |
https://medind.nic.in/ |
6. |
Sankhya: The Indian Journals of Statistics |
https://www.isical.ac.in |
7. |
Anthroportics: The Journal of Generative
Anthropology |
https://anthropoetics.ucla.edu/ |
8. |
Astrophysics and space sciences
Transitions |
https://www.springer.com/journal/10509 |
9. |
Atmosphere Chemistry and Physics |
https://www.atmospheric-chemistry-and-physics.net/ |
10. |
Laeng International Journal of Applied
Mathematics |
https://www.iaeng.org/IJAM/current_issue.html |
11. |
International Electronic Journal of
Mathematics Education |
https://www.ijis.net/ |
12. |
International Journal of Internet Science |
https://www.ijis.net/ |
13. |
Journal of Geoscience |
http://www.jgeosci.org/ |
14. |
Science Publications |
https://thescipub.com/ |
15. |
Sementic and Pragmatics |
https://semprag.org/index.php/sp |
16. |
Theological Librarianship |
https://serials.atla.com/theolib |
17. |
Technological Focus |
https://www.drdo.gov.in/technology-focus |
18. |
Directory of Open Access Journals |
https://doaj.org |
19. |
Cambridge University Press (Books &
Journals) |
https://www.cambridge.org/core |
20. |
Science Direct Open Access Content
(Journals & Books) |
https://www.sciencedirect.com/" target="_blank">https://www.sciencedirect.com/" target="_blank"> |
21. |
Springer |
open-choice |
22. |
Taylor & Francis Open Access |
https://www.tandfonline.com/openaccess/openjournals |
23. |
Engineering College, Ajmer |
https://www.ecajmer.ac.in/Eresources |
24. |
Wiley Open Access |
resources/Journal-Authors/ |