Research Papers
S.No. | Faculty | Title | Journal | Volume | Year | Contribution |
Dr. Padmaja Singh | Indo-Nepal social-Cultural Relations:In theSpecial Context of Nathpanth | Manviki | 15 | 2024 | Sole Author | |
Dr. Padmaja Singh | Guptyugeen Bharat Me Udyog evm Vyapar | Vimarsh | 17 | 2023 | Sole Author | |
Dr. Shitala Prasad Singh | Major Sites of Buddhism: A Historical Analysis | National Journal of Hindi & Sanskrit Research | 47 | 2023 | Sole Author | |
Dr. Shitala Prasad Singh | Mesolithic Culture of Northern Vindhyas | National Journal of Hindi & Sanskrit Research | 51 | 2023 | Sole Author | |
Dr. Shitala Prasad Singh | Beginning of the Agriculture in Northern Vindhyas and Middle Ganga Valley | National Journal of Hindi & Sanskrit Research | 49 | 2023 | Sole Author | |
Dr. Pragya Chaturvedi | Bharatiya Sanskriti me Chitrakala ka Yogdan | Goya Journal | 16 | 2023 | Sole Author | |
Dr. Padmaja Singh | Bharat ke Swatantrata Sangram Me Shi Gorakhnath Mandir Ka Yogdan | Vimarsh | 16 | 2022 | Sole Author | |
Dr. Dhyanendra Narain Dubey | kushinager chetra ki katipay vashnav murtiya | manaviki | 13 | 2022 | Sole Author | |
Dr. Rajawant Rao | Vedic Rajtantra par lokmat ka Prabhav | Manaviki A Peer reviewed Interdisciplinary Journal of Humanities & Social sciences, Vol.13, No.1 & 2 | 13 | 2022 | Sole Author | |
Dr. Rajawant Rao | Asok ki Dhamma Vishyak Avadharna par Parampara ka Prabhav | Vimarsh an Interdisciplinary Journal | 16 | 2022 | Sole Author | |
Dr. Shitala Prasad Singh | Chalcolithic Cultures of Northern Vindhyas and Middle Ganga Valley : A Socio-Economic Perspective | National Journal of Hindi & Sanskrit Research | 44 | 2022 | Sole Author | |
Dr. Shitala Prasad Singh | Painted Rock Shelters of North –Central India: A Historical Perspective | National Journal of Hindi & Sanskrit Research | 40 | 2022 | Sole Author | |
Dr. Shitala Prasad Singh | Activities of Prehistoric man in Painted Rock Shelters of Vindhyan Region | Research Highlights:A multidisciplinary quarterly International peer reviewed referred research journal | 9 | 2022 | Sole Author | |
Dr. Shitala Prasad Singh | Palaeo-Environment and Settlement Pattern of Neolithic Chalcolithic Cultures in the Eastern Uttar Pradesh | National Journal of Hindi & Sanskrit Research | 43 | 2022 | Sole Author | |
Dr. Manindra Yadav | Upnishado me Surya ke Sandarbha | Manaviki A Peer reviewed Interdisciplinary Journal of Humanities & Social sciences, Vol.13, No.1 & 2 | 13 | 2022 | Sole Author | |
Dr. Vinod kumar | Vaishnav Aagamo Me Pratima Man | Itihas | 7 | 2021 | Sole Author | |
Dr. Vinod kumar | Nath Panth Evam Bhartiya Sanskriti | Shodh Drishti | 12 | 2021 | Sole Author | |
Dr. Dhyanendra Narain Dubey | Chairveti chairveti ke udghoshak, Paribrajak | Shodh Disha | 53 | 2021 | Sole Author | |
Dr. Shitala Prasad Singh | Settlement Pattern in the Neolithic of the Middle Ganga Valley | International Journal of Research in Economics and Social Sciences(IJRESS) | 11 | 2021 | Sole Author | |
Dr. Dhyanendra Narain Dubey | Sutrakalin dharm darshan ke pristhibhumi | Innovation the research concept | 6 | 2021 | Sole Author | |
Dr. Shitala Prasad Singh | The Neolithic Culture of Vindhyas : some Reflections | ECONSPEAK: A Journal of Advances in Management IT & Social Sciences | 4 | 2021 | Sole Author | |
Dr. Dhyanendra Narain Dubey | Vaishnav panchratra aagam parmpara ewam chausath bhuji nrihsingh pratima ki pahchan | Remarking and analisation | 5 | 2021 | Sole Author | |
Dr. Manindra Yadav | Sahitya evam Kala me Yaksh evam Yakash Parampara | ‘Anukriti’ (An International Peer Reviewed Refereed Research Journal), Vol.11, No.10 | 11 | 2021 | Sole Author | |
Dr. Manindra Yadav | Aahat Mudrao Par Ankit Paryavaran Prateek | Shodh Drishti’ (An International Peer reviewed Refereed Research Journal), Vol.12, No.3.1 | 12 | 2021 | Sole Author | |
Dr. Padmaja Singh | Purano Me Itihas Drishti | Manviki | 12 | 2021 | Sole Author | |
Dr. Pragya Chaturvedi | Gorakhpur parikshetra ke paryatan sthal | Parishodh Journal | 9 | 2020 | Sole Author | |
Dr. Vinod kumar | Bauddh Kala Me Gaj Ka Ankan | Shodh Drishti | 11 | 2020 | Sole Author | |
Dr. Pragya Chaturvedi | Prachin Bharat ke Kalatmak Srot | Itihas Darpan | 25 | 2020 | Sole Author | |
Dr. Vinod kumar | Vaidic Sanskriti Me Striyono Ki Sthiti Me Parivartan Ki Prakriya | Interdisciplinary Journal of Contemporary Research | 7 | 2020 | Sole Author | |
Dr. Vinod kumar | Dakshin Bharat Ki Gram Samitiyana Evam Jal Prabandhan | Writers View | 5 | 2020 | Sole Author | |
Dr. Vinod kumar | Sandhva Sabhyata Me Jal Prabandhan | Shodh Simankan | 1 | 2020 | Sole Author | |
Dr. Manindra Yadav | Mudrao ke Alok me Bharat-Rome Vyapar | ‘Writers View’ (An Interdisciplinary, bilingual, bi-annual a Peer review or refereed, Indexes & Open Accesses Research Journal), Vol.05, No.2 | 5 | 2020 | Sole Author | |
Dr. Shitala Prasad Singh | Neolithic Culture Of District Allahabad | International Journal of Research in Economics and Social Sciences(IJRESS) | 9 | 2020 | Sole Author | |
Dr. Dhyanendra Narain Dubey | Kalp ka arth vikash ewam vyutpatti | Shrinkhala ek Shodhparak Vaicharik Patrika | 8 | 2020 | Sole Author | |
Dr. Shitala Prasad Singh | Early Agriculture of the Neolithic Middle Ganga Plain: An Appraisal | ECONSPEAK: A Journal of Advances in Management IT &Social Sciences | 4 | 2020 | Sole Author | |
Dr. Dhyanendra Narain Dubey | Saindhav Sabhyata Ka ek Dharmik Kritya : Vrishabh Medh | Anthology the research | 5 | 2020 | Sole Author | |
Dr. Dhyanendra Narain Dubey | Ek Urvarak Dev Vrishabh | Innovation the Research Concept | 5 | 2020 | Sole Author | |
Dr. Padmaja Singh | Nathpanth ki Prachinta | Vimarsh | 14 | 2020 | Sole Author | |
Dr. Dhyanendra Narain Dubey | Pancharatra Sanhitao me Nrisingh Swarup ka Vivechan | Sodha Dristhi | 11 | 2020 | Sole Author | |
Dr. Dhyanendra Narain Dubey | Vaishnav Agar Parmpara me Nrisingh ki mahima ka Abhyuday | Interdisciplinary Journal of Contemporary Research | 7 | 2020 | Sole Author |
Research Projects
S.No. | Faculty | Title | Sponsoring Agency | Year of Sanction | Budget (Lakh) |
Status |
Dr. Vinod kumar | Bhartiya Darshan Me Yoga Evam Yog Vigyan | Indian Council of Philosophical Research, India | 2022 | 4.00 | Ongoing | |
Dr. Rajawant Rao | Saryupar ka Puratatavik evam Sanskritik Sarvekshna | Uttar Pradesh Government | 2021 | 3.00 | Ongoing | |
Dr. Shitala Prasad Singh | Culture Religion and Tourism | Uttar Pradesh Government | 2021 | 4.50 | Ongoing | |
Dr. Manindra Yadav | Saryupar ka Puratatavik evam Sanskritik Sarvekshna | Uttar Pradesh Government | 2021 | 3.00 | Ongoing |
Published Books
S.No. | Faculty | Title | Publisher | ISBN | Year |
Dr. Padmaja Singh | नाथपंथ : वर्तमान उपादेयता का ऐतिहासिक परिप्रेक्ष्य | प्रभात प्रकाशन, नई दिल्ली | 9789355624864 | 2024 | |
Dr. Manindra Yadav | प्राचीन भारत की आर्थिक स्थिति मुद्राओं के विशेष सन्दर्भ में | स्वाति पब्लिकेशन्स 34, सेन्ट्रल मार्केट, अशोक विहार, दिल्ली | 9789381843437 | 2024 | |
Dr. Rajawant Rao | Bharat ka Viswa Sanskritiyo se Samvad | Agam Kala Prakashan 34 central Marg, Ashok Vihar, New Delhi | 9789392556562 | 2024 | |
Dr. Manindra Yadav | भारत का विश्व संस्कृतियों से संवाद | आगम कला प्रकाशन 34, सेन्ट्रल मार्केट, अशोक विहार, दिल्ली | 9789392556562 | 2024 | |
Dr. Dhyanendra Narain Dubey | Kamrup Brishabh | Koshal Publication, Ayodhya | 9789381799734 | 2021 | |
Dr. Vinod kumar | वैष्णव आगमों में प्रतिमा विज्ञान | Swati Publications, New Delhi, India | 9789381843314 | 2021 | |
Dr. Dhyanendra Narain Dubey | Nrisihopasana ka Abhyuday | Koshal Publication, Ayodhya | 9789381799864 | 2020 | |
Dr. Shitala Prasad Singh | Uttar Madhya Bharat ka Pragaitihashik Puratatva | Pratyush Publications, Delhi | 9789382171607 | 2017 | |
Dr. Digvijay Nath | Women from past to present | Pratibha Prakashan New Delhi | 9788177024128 | 2017 | |
Dr. Shitala Prasad Singh | Paryawaran Ewam Itihas | Pratyush Publications, Delhi | 9789382171454 | 2017 | |
Dr. Digvijay Nath | Sourcess of indian history and historiography | ABISY DElhi | 978938242427 | 2016 | |
Dr. Shitala Prasad Singh | Sarayu Ghati ka Puratatva | Pratyush Publications, Delhi | 9789382171362 | 2015 | |
Dr. Rajawant Rao | Ancient Indian Religious architecture Beyond the Sectarian Boundaries | Agam Kala Prakashan 34 central Marg, Ashok Vihar, New Delhi | 9788173201547 | 2015 | |
Dr. Digvijay Nath | Bharat me bhakti ke vivdha aayam | Manish prakashan Varansi | 9789388153918 | 2015 | |
Dr. Rajawant Rao | Historical Tradition and Culture in Ancient Indian Inscriptions | Pratibha Prakashan, Delhi | 9788177023602 | 2015 | |
Dr. Rajawant Rao | Agriculture and Agrarian Communities in India | Pratibha Prakashan, Delhi | 978-81-7702-218-6 | 2010 | |
Dr. Rajawant Rao | Prachin Bharatiya Lipi, Mudra evam Kala | New Kailash Prakashan, Allahabad | NA | 2010 | |
Dr. Digvijay Nath | Approaches to History,Culture,Art and Archaeology | DELHI | 9788779752487 | 2009 | |
Dr. Digvijay Nath | Prachin Bharat mein Samajik Evam Arthik Parivartan | DELHI | 8172021672 | 2008 | |
Dr. Digvijay Nath | Explorations In Indian History | DELHI | 8179751672 | 2007 | |
Dr. Digvijay Nath | “Bauddh Sanskriti Vividh Ayam | DELHI | 8177021206 | 2006 | |
Dr. Digvijay Nath | Vedik vigyan Parampara | DELHI | 8172021516 | 2005 | |
Dr. Digvijay Nath | Vedik Vigyan Parampara | DELHI | 817202151 | 2005 | |
Dr. Digvijay Nath | Prachin Bharat ke Pramukh Shasak | Praibha Prakashan delhi | 8177021516 | 2005 | |
Dr. Digvijay Nath | Ancient Indian History Writing Special Features and Techniques | A.K. PANDEY | 454661666 | 2004 | |
Dr. Digvijay Nath | Facets of Indian History | A.K. SINHA | 8179751449 | 2004 | |
Dr. Digvijay Nath | Dimentions in Indian History | A.K.PANDEY | 6565666464 | 2004 | |
Dr. Digvijay Nath | Reading in indan history | Prof. A.K. Sinha | 8179750361 | 2003 | |
Dr. Rajawant Rao | Guptottar Yugin Bharat ka Rajnitik Itihas(550 A.D.-1200A.D.) | Motilal Banarsidas, Delhi | NA | 2003 | |
Dr. Digvijay Nath | Ancient INDIAN HISTORY WRITTING | ASDF | 8172020757 | 2003 | |
Dr. Rajawant Rao | Prachin Bharatiya Mudrayen | Motilal Banarsidass, Publishing House, Delhi | 9788120823733 | 1998 | |
Dr. Rajawant Rao | Prachin Bharat Me Dharm Aur Rajniti | Sahitya Sangam, Allahabad | NA | 1995 | |
Dr. Digvijay Nath |
Book Chapters Published
S.No. | Faculty | Title of Chapter | Page Numbers | Title of Book | Publisher | ISBN | Year |
Dr. Manindra Yadav | भारत-रोम व्यापारिक सम्बन्ध | 109-114 | India"s Discourses with Culture of the World | Agam Kala Prakashan Delhi | 9789392556562 | 2024 | |
Dr. Rajawant Rao | Bharat ka Vishwa Sanskritiyo se Samvad | 33-42 | Bharat Ka Viswa Sanskritiyo Se Samvad | Agam Kala Prakashan Delhi | 9789392556562 | 2024 | |
Dr. Manindra Yadav | बुद्धकालीन पूर्वांचल के गणराज्य | 237-245 | Poorvi Uttar Pradesh Itihas Evam Sanskriti | Rachnakar Publishing House, Delhi | 9789391791926 | 2023 | |
Dr. Padmaja Singh | Nath Panth ki Guru-Shishya Parampara | 41-70 | Bhartiya Gyan Parampara me Acharya | Word Lab Publication | 9789359827957 | 2023 | |
Dr. Vinod kumar | Santha Block (Sant Kabir Nagar Janpad) Ka Puratattvik Sarvekhan | 141-149 | Purvi Uttar Pradesh Itihas Evam Sanskriti | Rachanakar Publishing House, Delhi | 9789391791926 | 2023 | |
Dr. Rajawant Rao | Purvanchal Ka Itihas | 13-20 | Poorvi Uttar Pradesh Itihas Evam Sanskriti | Rachnakar Publishing House, Delhi | 9789391791926 | 2023 | |
Dr. Padmaja Singh | Rashtra (Bharat)Nirman ka Samajik Sandarbh aur Nath Panth | 186-204 | Goraksh-Meemansha | Abhidha Prakashan, Delhi | 9789392342509 | 2023 | |
Dr. Rajawant Rao | Deoria ki Aitihasik sanskritik Parampraye | 30-38 | deoria Ateet se vartman Tak | Anamika prakashan, Allahabad | 9789390683079 | 2022 | |
Dr. Vinod kumar | chauri cahura | 120-128 | chauri chaura kranti | gorakhpur | 9789381843318 | 2021 | |
Dr. Padmaja Singh | Nathyog: Darshan evm Swaroop | 49-59 | Hindi Sauratn Mala-1Gorakhnath | Kendriya Hindi Sansthan, Agra | 9788195301805 | 2021 | |
Dr. Padmaja Singh | Nepal me Nathpanth | 180-189 | Nathpanth: Sadhana aur Sahitya | Uttar Pradesh Hindi Sansthan, Lucknow | 9788194376484 | 2020 | |
Dr. Rajawant Rao | Saryupar kshetra me Gahadwal Satta | 222-226 | Atulartham ‘Bridging the Past’ Essay in Honour of Professor Atul Kumar Sinha | Anamika Publishers, New Delhi | 9788179759141 | 2019 | |
Dr. Manindra Yadav | आहत मुद्राओं पर अंकित चक्र | 574-579 | Atulartham ‘Bridging the Past’ Essay in Honour of Professor Atul Kumar Sinha | Anamika Publishers, New Delhi | 9788179759141 | 2019 | |
Dr. Rajawant Rao | Itihas Lekhan ki Bharatiya Chetana (Adhyakshiya Vyakhyan) | 377-390 | Issues and Problems of History | Anamika Publishers, New Delhi | 9788179759059 | 2019 | |
Dr. Shitala Prasad Singh | 1- Early Village Farming Settlements in Saryupar | 171-182 | Rajnarayanim | Prof. Banamali Biswal and Dr. Vinod Kumar Dikshit, Prayagraj | 9788192065458 | 2019 | |
Dr. Rajawant Rao | Sur anv Asur Sanskriti ki Pratinidhi Nariyan: Ek Sarvekshan | 35-42 | Women from Past to Present | Pratibha Prakashan, Delhi | 9788177024128 | 2017 | |
Dr. Rajawant Rao | Prarambhik Bharatiya Mudraon par 'Maharaj' Upadhi aur iski Sthaniya utpatti | 154-156 | Methodology of Numismatic Study and History-Writing | Research India Press, New Delhi | 9788189131609 | 2012 | |
Dr. Dhyanendra Narain Dubey | aagam prampra ke aalok me narsinghanustubh mantrath nirupan :ak vivechan | 400-412 | vijayam | indra pablication delhi | 9788192151601 | 2011 | |
Dr. Dhyanendra Narain Dubey | ancient indian religious architecture:common origins and shared concepts | 11-28 | ancient indian religious architecture beyond the sectarian boundariesn | aagam prakashan n.delhi | 97873201547 | 2011 | |
Dr. Dhyanendra Narain Dubey | matri-shakti aur singh ka mithakiy sambandh :ak anushilan | 226-231 | saga of womanhood | anamika publishers &distributors delhi | 978817975407 | 2011 | |
Dr. Rajawant Rao | Mudrao ke Alok me Vikramaditya ki Pahchan | 269-274 | Approaches to History, Culture Art and Archaeology | Anamika Publishers, New Delhi | 9788779752487 | 2009 | |
Dr. Rajawant Rao | Vyakti Satta anv Bauddha Dharma | 497-504 | Region in Indian History | Anamika Publishers, New Delhi | 8179752054 | 2008 | |
Dr. Rajawant Rao | Manusmriti me varnit Dharma & Rajneeti | 359-364 | Explorations in Indian History | Anamika Publishers, New Delhi | 8179751678 | 2007 | |
Dr. Rajawant Rao | Rigved me puro ka Sandarbh | 402-405 | Facets of Indian History | Anamika Publishers, New Delhi | 8179751449 | 2006 | |
Dr. Rajawant Rao | Manusmriti ka Sanskritik Pariprekshya | 167-178 | Samajik Saranchana: Vividh Charan | R B S A Publishers, Jaipur | 817611281 | 2005 | |
Dr. Rajawant Rao | Chturbhani me Pratibimbit Ujaiyyini | 177-184 | Ujaiyyini ka Sanskritik Parampara | Pratibha Prakashan, Delhi | 8177021095 | 2005 | |
Dr. Rajawant Rao | Sohgaura Kansya Phalak Abhilekh: Ek Aitihasik Vishleshan | 101-104 | Abhilekhik Adhyayan ki Pravidhi anv Itihas Lekhan | Pratibha Prakashan, Delhi | 817702079 | 2004 | |
Dr. Rajawant Rao | The Term Gopa in the Rigveda | 351-354 | Visvambhara Probings in Orientology | Harman Publishing House, New Delhi | 8185151768 | 1995 |